脚本专栏 发布日期:2025/3/10 浏览次数:1
Option Explicit Dim objWMIService,colProcessList,strComputer strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colProcessList = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'excel.exe'") If colProcessList.Count>0 Then MsgBox "检测到EXCEL程序运行中,程序退出!" WScript.Quit End If Set colProcessList = Nothing Set objWMIService = Nothing WScript.Quit
当然你可以判断 winrar.exe等等
'检测进程 proname = "qq.exe" reName = IsProcess(proname) If reName = True Then msgbox "发现进程" ElseIf reName = False Then msgbox "没有发现进程" End If '检测进程 优化后的代码 If IsProcess("qq.exe") = True Then msgbox "发现进程" Else msgbox "没有发现进程" End If '检测进程组 proName_all = "qq.exe|notepad.exe" reName = IsProcessEx(proName_all) If reName = True Then msgbox "发现进程" ElseIf reName = False Then msgbox "没有发现进程" End If '检测进程组 优化后的代码 If IsProcessEx("qq.exe|notepad.exe") = True Then msgbox "发现进程" Else msgbox "没有发现进程" End If '结束进程 前台执行 proname = "qq.exe" Call CloseProcess(proname, 1) '结束进程 后台执行 proname = "qq.exe" Call CloseProcess(proname, 0) '结束进程组 前台执行 proName_all = "qq.exe|notepad.exe" Call CloseProcessEx(proName_all, 1) '结束进程组 后台执行 proName_all = "qq.exe|notepad.exe" Call CloseProcessEx(proName_all, 0) '实例应用 结束进程 前台执行 10秒超时 proname = "qq.exe" For i=1 to 10 Call CloseProcess(proname,1) Delay 1000 reName = IsProcess(proname) If reName = False Then Exit For End If Next If reName=True Then msgbox "结束进程失败" Else msgbox "结束进程成功" End If '实例应用 结束进程 前台执行 优化后的代码(直到型循环) 有些进程VBS检测不到 所以先关闭后检测 Do Call CloseProcess("qq.exe",1) Delay 1000 Loop While IsProcess("qq.exe")=True msgbox "结束进程成功" '实例应用 结束进程组 后台执行 10秒超时 proName_all = "qq.exe|notepad.exe" For j=1 to 10 Call CloseProcessEx(proName_all,0) Delay 1000 reName = IsProcessEx(proName_all) If reName = False Then Exit For End If Next If reName=True Then msgbox "结束进程失败" Else msgbox "结束进程成功" End If '实例应用 结束进程组 后台执行 优化后的代码(直到型循环) 有些进程VBS检测不到 所以先关闭后检测 Do Call CloseProcessEx( "qq.exe|notepad.exe",0) Delay 1000 Loop While IsProcessEx( "qq.exe|notepad.exe")=True msgbox "结束进程成功" '函数 子程序部分代码 '检测进程 Function IsProcess(ExeName) Dim WMI, Obj, Objs,i IsProcess = False Set WMI = GetObject("WinMgmts:") Set Objs = WMI.InstancesOf("Win32_Process") For Each Obj In Objs If InStr(UCase(ExeName),UCase(Obj.Description)) <> 0 Then IsProcess = True Exit For End If Next Set Objs = Nothing Set WMI = Nothing End Function '结束进程 Sub CloseProcess(ExeName,RunMode) dim ws Set ws = createobject("Wscript.Shell") ws.run "cmd.exe /C Taskkill /f /im " & ExeName,RunMode Set ws = Nothing End Sub '检测进程组 Function IsProcessEx(ExeName) Dim WMI, Obj, Objs,ProcessName,i IsProcessEx = False Set WMI = GetObject("WinMgmts:") Set Objs = WMI.InstancesOf("Win32_Process") ProcessName=Split(ExeName,"|") For Each Obj In Objs For i=0 to UBound(ProcessName) If InStr(UCase(ProcessName(i)),UCase(Obj.Description)) <> 0 Then IsProcessEx = True Exit For End If Next Next Set Objs = Nothing Set WMI = Nothing End Function '结束进程组 Sub CloseProcessEx(ExeName,RunMode) dim ws,ProcessName,CmdCode,i ProcessName = Split(ExeName, "|") For i=0 to UBound(ProcessName) CmdCode=CmdCode & " /im " & ProcessName(i) Next Set ws = createobject("Wscript.Shell") ws.run "cmd.exe /C Taskkill /f" & CmdCode,RunMode Set ws = Nothing End Sub