脚本专栏 发布日期:2025/3/9 浏览次数:1
This short script uses WMI to display the same information than in the tool "tasklist", but dumping the result on the console. It can dump remote tasks running on another computer,
作者:Jean-Luc Antoine
Option explicit If right(Ucase(WScript.FullName),11)="WSCRIPT.EXE" Then wscript.echo "You should run this script from the command line (cmd)" & vbCrLf & "cscript " & wscript.ScriptFullName WScript.Quit End If dim strComputer,objWMIService,colProcesses,objProcess,ProcessTime,strCreationDate,user,Domain,strOwner,h,m,s,chaine strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_Process") ' where Name='IEXPLORE.EXE' Chaine="Process |Creation Date Time |Handles|Threads|Owner |Priority|MemoryUsage|MaxMemUsage|MemRequired|MaxMemRequi| Swap| Max Swap|CPU time|PID |PFaults|Path" & vbCrLf For Each objProcess in colProcesses If objProcess.GetOwner ( User, Domain ) = 0 Then strOwner= Domain & "\" & User Else strOwner="Unknown" End If ProcessTime=(CSng(objProcess.KernelModeTime) + CSng(objProcess.UserModeTime)) / 10000000 h=right("0" & fix(ProcessTime/60/60),2) ProcessTime=ProcessTime-h*60*60 m=right("0" & fix(ProcessTime/60),2) s=Right("0" & round(ProcessTime-m*60),2) strCreationDate=Mid(objProcess.CreationDate,7,2) & "/" & Mid(objProcess.CreationDate,5,2) & "/" & Left(objProcess.CreationDate,4) & " " & Mid(objProcess.CreationDate,9,2) & ":" & Mid(objProcess.CreationDate,11,2) & ":" & Mid(objProcess.CreationDate,13,2) If strCreationDate="// ::" Then strCreationDate=Space(19) Chaine=Chaine & Left(objProcess.Name & space(8),12) & "|" _ & strCreationDate & "|" & Right(Space(6) & objProcess.HandleCount,7) & "|" _ & Right(Space(6) & objProcess.ThreadCount,7) & "|" _ & Left(strOwner & space(14),19) & "|" _ & Left(objProcess.Priority & Space(7),8) & "|" _ & Right(Space(10) & objProcess.PageFileUsage ,11) & "|" _ & Right(Space(10) & objProcess.PeakPageFileUsage ,11) & "|" _ & Right(Space(8) & objProcess.WorkingSetSize ,11) & "|" _ & Right(Space(8) & objProcess.PeakWorkingSetSize ,11) & "|" _ & Right(Space(10) & objProcess.VirtualSize ,11) & "|" _ & Right(Space(10) & objProcess.PeakVirtualSize ,11) & "|" _ & h & ":" & m & ":" & s & "|" _ & Left(objProcess.ProcessID & space(3),4) & "|" _ & Right(Space(6) & objProcess.PageFaults ,7) & "|" & objProcess.ExecutablePath Chaine=Chaine & vbCrLf Next wscript.echo chaine
在cmd下 cscript tasklist.vbs 即可,也可以在cmd下 cscript tasklist.vbs >list.txt直接将结果保存为list.txt查看也比较容易