
脚本专栏 发布日期:2024/10/8 浏览次数:1








import argparse

def parse_args():
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Game 2048')

 # Form
 screen_width: Width of the form
 screen_height: Height of the form
 parser.add_argument('--screen_width', default=400)
 parser.add_argument('--screen_height', default=500)

 # Block
 block_gap: Gap between two blocks
 block_size: Size of a block
 block_arc: Arc of a block
 parser.add_argument('--block_gap', default=10)
 parser.add_argument('--block_size', default=86)
 parser.add_argument('--block_arc', default=10)

 return parser.parse_args()

import configs
from Game2048 import Game2048

def main(args):
 screen_width: Width of the form
 screen_height: Height of the form
 block_gap: Gap between two blocks
 block_size: Size of a block
 screen_width = args.screen_width
 screen_height = args.screen_height
 block_gap = args.block_gap
 block_size = args.block_size
 block_arc = args.block_arc

 game = Game2048(screen_width, screen_height, block_gap, block_size, block_arc)

if __name__ == '__main__':
 args = configs.parse_args()

import os
import sys
import numpy
import random
import pygame

Form(): 窗口的设置
Action(): 用户行为: 按键/鼠标
InitGame(): 游戏初始化
CreatNum(): 随机在一个位置生成一个数
GetEmpty(): 获取空白方格
MoveUp(): 向上移动
MoveDown(): 向下移动
MoveLeft(): 向左移动
MoveRight(): 向右移动
JudgeGameOver(): 判断游戏是否结束
JudgeGameSuccess(): 判断游戏是否成功
Paint(): 绘制表格

class Game2048(object):
 # 初始化函数
 def __init__(self, screen_width, screen_height, block_gap, block_size, block_arc):
 :param screen_width: Width of the form
 :param screen_height: Height of the form
 :param block_gap: Gap between two blocks
 :param block_size: Size of a block
 :param size: Dimension of matrix
 :param martix: Zero matrix
 :param is_over: Sign of the end of the game
 :param is_success: Sign of the success of the game
 :param form: The form
 :param score: score
 :param title_font: Title type and size of form
 :param score_font: Scores type and size
 :param tips_font: Tips type and type
 :param font: The numberes
 :param isadd: Add number or not
 """ 窗口 """
 self.screen_width = screen_width # 窗口的宽 400
 self.screen_height = screen_height # 窗口的高 500
 self.block_gap = block_gap # 方块间隙 10
 self.block_size = block_size # 方块大小 86
 self.block_arc = block_arc # 方块的弧度
 self.size = 4 # 矩阵 4 * 4
 self.martix = [] # 初始化矩阵 4 * 4 的 0 矩阵
 self.form = ''

 """ 其他 """
 self.is_over = False # 游戏是否结束
 self.is_success = False # 游戏是否成功
 self.score = 0 # 分数
 self.isadd = True # 是否添加数字
 self.block_color = { # 方块颜色
  0: (205, 193, 180),
  2: (238, 228, 218),
  4: (237, 224, 200),
  8: (242, 177, 121),
  16: (245, 149, 99),
  32: (246, 124, 95),
  64: (246, 94, 59),
  128: (237, 207, 114),
  256: (237, 204, 97),
  512: (237, 200, 80),
  1024: (237, 197, 63),
  2048: (237, 194, 46)
 self.nums_color = {
  # 0: (0, 0, 0),
  0: (205, 193, 180),
  2: (0, 0, 0),
  4: (0, 0, 0),
  8: (255, 255, 255),
  16: (255, 255, 255),
  32: (255, 255, 255),
  64: (255, 255, 255),
  128: (255, 255, 255),
  256: (255, 255, 255),
  512: (255, 255, 255),
  1024: (255, 255, 255),
  2048: (255, 255, 255)

 """ 字体 """
 self.title_font = '' # 窗口标题字体类型及大小: 2048
 self.score_font = '' # 分数字体类型及大小
 self.tips_font = '' # 说明字体类型及大小
 self.font = '' # 数字字体

 # 窗口的设置
 def Form(self):
 init(): 初始化所有导入的 pygame 模块
 display.set_caption(title): 设置窗口的标题
 display.set_mode(): 初始化一个准备显示的窗口或屏幕
 display.update(): 使绘制的显示到窗口上
 pygame.init() # 初始化所有导入的 pygame 模块
 pygame.display.set_caption("Game2048") # 窗口标题
 os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' # 窗口居中显示
 self.form = pygame.display.set_mode([self.screen_width, self.screen_height], 0, 0) # 窗口大小
 self.InitGame() # 矩阵的初始化

 while True:
  self.Action() # 用户行为: 按键/鼠标
  self.Paint() # 表格绘制
  pygame.display.update() # 使绘制的显示到窗口上

 # 用户行为: 按键/鼠标
 def Action(self):
 for event in pygame.event.get(): # pygame.event.get(): 获取所有消息并将其从队列中删除
  if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # pygame.QUIT: 窗口右上角的红 ×
  sys.exit() # sys.exit()函数是通过抛出异常的方式来终止进程的
  elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
  pygame.KEYDOWN 按下键盘时
  pygame.KEYUP 释放键盘时
  K_UP: ↑
  K_DOWN: ↓
  K_LEFT: ←
  K_RIGHT: →

  """ 重新开始游戏 """
  if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
   # print('ESC')
   self.InitGame() # 游戏初始化

  """ ↑ """
  if event.key == pygame.K_UP and self.is_over == False:
   # print('UP')
   # self.CreatNum()

  """ ↓ """
  if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN and self.is_over == False:
   # print('DOWN')
   # self.CreatNum()

  """ ← """
  if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT and self.is_over == False:
   # print('LEFT')
   # self.CreatNum()

  """ → """
  if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and self.is_over == False:
   # print('RIGHT')
   # self.CreatNum()

 # 游戏初始化
 def InitGame(self):
 self.score = 0
 self.is_over = False
 self.is_success = False
 self.martix = numpy.zeros([self.size, self.size])

 # 随机生成两个数
 for i in range(2):
  self.isadd = True

 # 随机在一个位置生成一个数
 def CreatNum(self):

 list = self.GetEmpty() # 获取空白方格下标
 if list and self.isadd:
  """ 随机生成的数字 """
  # 2, 4出现概率3:1
  # random.randint(m, n): 随机生成[m, n]
  value = 4 if random.randint(0, 3) % 3 == 0 else 2

  """ 获取随机位置下标 """
  x, y = random.sample(list, 1)[0]

  """ 在随机位置上生成随机数字 """
  self.martix[x][y] = value

  self.isadd = False

  # print('CreatNum: {}'.format(value), (x, y))
  # print(self.martix)

 # 获取空白方格
 def GetEmpty(self):
 list = []
 for i in range(4):
  for j in range(4):
  if self.martix[i][j] == 0:
   list.append([i, j])
 return list

 # 向上移动
 def MoveUp(self):
 # print('up')
 """ Move Up """
 1、当前数字上边无空格,即上边值不为 0
  a. 当前数字与上边数字相等,合并
  b. 当前数字与上边数字不相等,continue
 2、当前数字上边有空格,即上边值为 0, 上移
 for j in range(4):
  index = 0
  for i in range(1, 4):
  if self.martix[i][j] > 0:
   if self.martix[i][j] == self.martix[index][j]:
   # 当前数字 == 上边数字
   """ 分数: 当前数字 + 上边数字
    数值: 上边数字 = 上边数字 + 当前数字, 当前数字 = 0 """
   self.score += self.martix[i][j] + self.martix[index][j]
   self.martix[index][j] = self.martix[i][j] + self.martix[index][j]
   self.martix[i][j] = 0
   index += 1
   self.isadd = True
   # 当前数字与上边数字不相等,continue 可以省略不写
   elif self.martix[index][j] == 0:
   # 当前数字上边有0
   """ 分数: 不变
    数值: 上边数字 = 当前数字, 当前数字 = 0 """
   self.martix[index][j] = self.martix[i][j]
   self.martix[i][j] = 0
   self.isadd = True
   index += 1
   if self.martix[index][j] == 0:
    # index相当于慢指针,j相当于快指针
    # 也就是说快指针和慢指针中间可能存在一个以上的空格,或者index和j并未相邻
    # 上边数字 = 0
    """ 分数: 不变
    数值: 上边数字 = 当前数字, 当前数字 = 0 """
    self.martix[index][j] = self.martix[i][j]
    self.martix[i][j] = 0
    self.isadd = True
 # print('up')
 # print(self.martix)

 # 向下移动
 def MoveDown(self):
 # print('down')
 """ Move Down """
 1、当前数字下边无空格,即下边值不为 0
  a. 当前数字与下边数字相等,合并
  b. 当前数字与下边数字不相等,continue
 2、当前数字下边有空格,即下边值为 0, 下移
 for j in range(4):
  index = 3
  for i in range(2, -1, -1):
  if self.martix[i][j] > 0:
   if self.martix[i][j] == self.martix[index][j]:
   # 当前数字 == 下边数字
   """ 分数: 当前数字 + 下边数字
    数值: 下边数字 = 下边数字 + 当前数字, 当前数字 = 0 """
   self.score += self.martix[i][j] + self.martix[index][j]
   self.martix[index][j] = self.martix[i][j] + self.martix[index][j]
   self.martix[i][j] = 0
   index -= 1
   self.isadd = True
   # 当前数字与下边数字不相等,continue 可以省略不写
   elif self.martix[index][j] == 0:
   # 当前数字下边有0
   """ 分数: 不变
    数值: 下边数字 = 当前数字, 当前数字 = 0 """
   self.martix[index][j] = self.martix[i][j]
   self.martix[i][j] = 0
   self.isadd = True
   index -= 1
   if self.martix[index][j] == 0:
    # index相当于慢指针,j相当于快指针
    # 也就是说快指针和慢指针中间可能存在一个以上的空格,或者index和j并未相邻
    # 下边数字 = 0
    """ 分数: 不变
    数值: 下边数字 = 当前数字, 当前数字 = 0 """
    self.martix[index][j] = self.martix[i][j]
    self.martix[i][j] = 0
    self.isadd = True

 # print('down')
 # print(self.martix)

 # 向左移动
 def MoveLeft(self):
 # print('left')
 Move Left
 1、当前数字左边无空格,即左边值不为 0
  a. 当前数字与左边数字相等,合并
  b. 当前数字与左边数字不相等,continue
 2、当前数字左边有空格,即左边值为 0, 左移
 for i in range(4):
  index = 0
  for j in range(1, 4):
  if self.martix[i][j] > 0:
   if self.martix[i][j] == self.martix[i][index]:
   # 当前数字 == 左边数字
   """ 分数: 当前数字 + 左边数字
    数值: 左边数字 = 左边数字 + 当前数字, 当前数字 = 0 """
   self.score += self.martix[i][j] == self.martix[i][index]
   self.martix[i][index] = self.martix[i][j] + self.martix[i][index]
   self.martix[i][j] = 0
   index += 1
   self.isadd = True
   # 当前数字与左边数字不相等,continue 可以省略不写
   elif self.martix[i][index] == 0:
   # 当前数字左边有0
   """ 分数: 不变
    数值: 左边数字 = 当前数字, 当前数字 = 0 """
   self.martix[i][index] = self.martix[i][j]
   self.martix[i][j] = 0
   self.isadd = True
   index += 1
   if self.martix[i][index] == 0:
    # index相当于慢指针,j相当于快指针
    # 也就是说快指针和慢指针中间可能存在一个以上的空格,或者index和j并未相邻
    # 左边数字 = 0
    """ 分数: 不变
    数值: 左边数字 = 当前数字, 当前数字 = 0 """
    self.martix[i][index] = self.martix[i][j]
    self.martix[i][j] = 0
    self.isadd = True
 # print('left')
 # print(self.martix)

 # 向右移动
 def MoveRight(self):
 # print('right')
 Move Right
 1、当前数字右边无空格,即右边值不为 0
  a. 当前数字与右边数字相等,合并
  b. 当前数字与右边数字不相等,continue
 2、当前数字右边有空格,即右边值为 0, 右移
 for i in range(4):
  index = 3
  for j in range(2, -1, -1):
  if self.martix[i][j] > 0:
   if self.martix[i][j] == self.martix[i][index]:
   # 当前数字 == 右边数字
   """ 分数: 当前数字 + 右边数字
    数值: 右边数字 = 右边数字 + 当前数字, 当前数字 = 0 """
   self.score += self.martix[i][j] + self.martix[i][index]
   self.martix[i][index] = self.martix[i][j] + self.martix[i][index]
   self.martix[i][j] = 0
   index -= 1
   self.isadd = True
   # 当前数字与左边数字不相等,continue 可以省略不写
   elif self.martix[i][index] == 0:
   # 当前数字右边有0
   """ 分数: 不变
    数值: 右边数字 = 当前数字, 当前数字 = 0 """
   self.martix[i][index] = self.martix[i][j]
   self.martix[i][j] = 0
   self.isadd = True
   index -= 1
   if self.martix[i][index] == 0:
    # index相当于慢指针,j相当于快指针
    # 也就是说快指针和慢指针中间可能存在一个以上的空格,或者index和j并未相邻
    # 右边数字 = 0
    """ 分数: 不变
    数值: 右边数字 = 当前数字, 当前数字 = 0 """
    self.martix[i][index] = self.martix[i][j]
    self.martix[i][j] = 0
    self.isadd = True
 # print('right')
 # print(self.martix)

 # 判断游戏是否结束
 def JudgeGameOver(self):
 # 当空白空格不为空时,即游戏未结束
 zerolist = self.GetEmpty()
 if zerolist:
  return False

 # 当空白方格为空时,判断是否存在可合并的方格
 for i in range(3):
  for j in range(3):
  if self.martix[i][j] == self.martix[i][j + 1]:
   return False
  if self.martix[i][j] == self.martix[i + 1][j]:
   return False

 # 若不满足以上两种情况,则游戏结束
 return True

 # 判断游戏是否成功
 def JudgeGameSuccess(self):
 # 检查是否有2048
 if self.martix.max() == 2048:
  return True
 return False

 # 绘制表格
 def Paint(self):
 """ 游戏背景 """
 # fill(color): 填充某一种颜色
 self.form.fill((220, 220, 220))

 """ 字体设置 """
 # 初始化字体
 # 添加标题
 # f = pygame.font.get_fonts() #: 获取字体样式
 # pygame.font.Font.render(): 在一个新 Surface 对象上绘制文本
 self.title_font = pygame.font.SysFont('幼圆', 50, True)
 title_text = self.title_font.render('2048', True, (0, 0, 0))
 self.form.blit(title_text, (50, 10))

 # 添加分数: 得分: 0
 pygame.draw.rect(self.form, (128, 128, 128), (250, 0, 120, 60))
 self.score_font = pygame.font.SysFont('幼圆', 28, True)
 score_text = self.score_font.render('得 分', True, (0, 0, 0))
 self.form.blit(score_text, (275, 0))

 digtial_score = self.score_font.render(str(int(self.score)), True, (255, 250, 250))
 self.form.blit(digtial_score, (280, 30))

 # 添加游戏说明
 self.tips_font = pygame.font.SysFont('simsunnsimsun', 20)
 tips_text = self.tips_font.render('操作: ↑ ↓ ← →, 按esc键重新开始', True, (0, 0, 0))
 self.form.blit(tips_text, (25, 70))

 """ 绘制方格 """
 for i in range(4):
  for j in range(4):
  # (x, y) 方块的初始位置
  x = j * self.block_size + (j + 1) * self.block_gap
  y = i * self.block_size + (i + 1) * self.block_gap
  # 绘制方块
  value = int(self.martix[i][j])
  # print(value)
  pygame.draw.rect(self.form, self.block_color[value], (x + 5, y + 100, self.block_size, self.block_size),

  # 数字字体即大小
  if value < 10:
   self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('simsunnsimsun', 46, True) # 数字2、4、8
   value_text = self.font.render(str(value), True, self.nums_color[value])
   self.form.blit(value_text, (x + 35, y + 120))
  elif value < 100:
   self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('simsunnsimsun', 40, True) # 数字16, 32, 64
   value_text = self.font.render(str(value), True, self.nums_color[value])
   self.form.blit(value_text, (x + 25, y + 120))
  elif value < 1000:
   self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('simsunnsimsun', 34, True) # 数字128, 256, 512
   value_text = self.font.render(str(value), True, self.nums_color[value])
   self.form.blit(value_text, (x + 15, y + 120))
   self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('simsunnsimsun', 28, True) # 数字1024, 2048
   value_text = self.font.render(str(value), True, self.nums_color[value])
   self.form.blit(value_text, (x + 5, y + 120))

 # 新增数字

 """ 如果游戏结束 """
 self.is_over = self.JudgeGameOver()
 if self.is_over:
  over_font = pygame.font.SysFont("simsunnsimsun", 60, True)
  str_text = over_font.render('Game Over!', True, (255, 255, 255))
  self.form.blit(str_text, (30, 220))

 """ 如果游戏成功 """
 self.is_success = self.JudgeGameSuccess()
 if self.is_success:
  success_font = pygame.font.SysFont("simsunnsimsun", 60, True)
  str_text = success_font.render('Successful!', True, (178, 34, 34))
  self.form.blit(str_text, (10, 220))

