脚本专栏 发布日期:2025/2/27 浏览次数:1
class History(Callback): """Callback that records events into a `History` object. This callback is automatically applied to every Keras model. The `History` object gets returned by the `fit` method of models. """ def on_train_begin(self, logs=None): self.epoch = [] self.history = {} def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): logs = logs or {} self.epoch.append(epoch) for k, v in logs.items(): self.history.setdefault(k, []).append(v)
####省略若干 history = model.fit_generator( mp.train_flow, steps_per_epoch=32, epochs=3, validation_data=mp.test_flow, validation_steps=32) print(history.history) print(history.epoch) print(history.history['val_loss'])
{‘val_loss': [0.4231100323200226, 0.3713115310668945, 0.3836631367206573], ‘val_acc': [0.815, 0.84, 0.83], ‘loss': [0.8348453622311354, 0.5010451343324449, 0.4296100065112114], ‘acc': [0.630859375, 0.7509920634920635, 0.783203125]}
[0, 1, 2]
[0.4231100323200226, 0.3713115310668945, 0.3836631367206573]
%history -n 150: %cpaste 151: %cpaste 152: print(r">") 153: print(r'>') 154: print(r'><') 155: print(r'>') 156: print(r'') 157: print(r'>') ...
%history -n 168-170 178 185-190 168: planets 169: for method, group in planets.groupby('method'): print(f'{method:30s} method={group}') 170: for method, group in planets.groupby('method'): print(f'{method:30s} method={group.shape}') 178: %history"htmlcode">%history -g print*metho* 120: for method, group in planets.groupby('method'): print(f"{method:30s} shape={groupe.shape}") 121: for method, group in planets.groupby('method'): print(f"{method:30s} shape={group.shape}") 169: for method, group in planets.groupby('method'): print(f'{method:30s} method={group}') 170: for method, group in planets.groupby('method'): print(f'{method:30s} method={group.shape}') 182: for method, group in planets.groupby('method'): print(f"{method:30s shape=group.shape}") 198: %history -g print*metho*以上这篇keras中的History对象用法就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持。