对Python 检查文件名是否规范的实例详解

脚本专栏 发布日期:2024/10/14 浏览次数:1

正在浏览:对Python 检查文件名是否规范的实例详解


# coding=utf-8
import os
import os.path
import re
import array
import cmd
import pdb
import pickle
import tempfile
import subprocess
# rootPath = os.getcwd()
# print rootPath
rootPath = raw_input('The Check Path:')
nonCheckDir = raw_input('The Non Check DirName(DirName1;DirName2):')
nonCheckDirList = []
if nonCheckDir:
  nonCheckDirList = nonCheckDir.split(';')
# 路径字典
pathDic = {}
# 新建文件夹 os.path.isdir(rootdir+'/logout') 判断指定目录下该文件夹是否存在
if not os.path.isdir(rootPath+'/logout'):
  os.makedirs(rootPath + '/logout')
nonstandard_filename_path = open(logPath+'/nonstandard_filename_path.txt','w')
# 标准的符号库
num = "0123456789"
word = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
sym = "_."
# 符号库
symBank = []
for key in word:
for key in num:
for key in sym:
def GetAllDir(getPath):
  # print (getPath)
  paths = os.listdir(getPath)
  for dirName in paths:
    dirPath = os.path.join(getPath,dirName)
    if os.path.isdir(dirPath) and dirName != '.svn':
      # print dirPath
      relPath = dirPath[len(rootPath)+1:len(dirPath)]
      # print relPath
      if not nonCheckDirList.__contains__(relPath):
        pathDic[relPath] = dirPath
def GetAllFile(getPath):
  files = os.listdir(getPath)
  for fileName in files:
    filePath = os.path.join(getPath,fileName)
    if fileName.endswith('.png') or fileName.endswith('.PNG'):
      fileName = fileName[0:fileName.index('.')]
      if not set(fileName).issubset(symBank):
        # print fileName
        # print filePath
        nonstandard_filename_path.write(filePath + '\n')
        # (r'_[\d]*[x|X][\d]*\d') 正则表达式 (_100x100)
        sign = re.search(r'_[\d]*[x|X][\d]*\d',fileName,re.M|re.I)
        if sign:
          nonstandard_filename_path.write(filePath + '\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
  print ('main')
  pathDic['curPath'] = rootPath
  for key in pathDic:
    # print key
  # line = "image_500100000"
  # obj = re.search(r'_[\d]*[x|X][\d]*\d',line,re.M|re.I)
  # line = line.replace(obj.group(),'=')
  # if obj:
  #   print obj.group()
  # else:
  #   print ("==-")
  # line1 = "image_500x100"
  # obj1 = re.search(r'[a-z0-9_]*',line1,re.M)
  # print obj1.group()


find_nonstandard_name.exe -c


# coding=utf-8
import os
import os.path
import re
import array
import cmd
import pdb
import pickle
import tempfile
import subprocess
import sys
import getopt
rootPath = ""
nonCheckDirList = sys.argv[1:]
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"cs:",["cPath="])
for opt,arg in opts:
  if opt == '-c':
    rootPath = os.getcwd()
  elif opt in ("-s","--cPath"):
    rootPath = arg
# 路径字典
pathDic = {}
# 新建文件夹 os.path.isdir(rootdir+'/logout') 判断指定目录下该文件夹是否存在
if not os.path.isdir(rootPath+'/logout'):
  os.makedirs(rootPath + '/logout')
nonstandard_filename_path = open(logPath+'/nonstandard_filename_path.txt','w')
def GetAllDir(getPath):
  # print (getPath)
  paths = os.listdir(getPath)
  for dirName in paths:
    dirPath = os.path.join(getPath,dirName)
    if os.path.isdir(dirPath) and dirName != '.svn':
      # print dirPath
      relPath = dirPath[len(rootPath)+1:len(dirPath)]
      # print relPath
      if not nonCheckDirList.__contains__(relPath):
        pathDic[relPath] = dirPath
def GetAllFile(getPath):
  files = os.listdir(getPath)
  for fileName in files:
    filePath = os.path.join(getPath,fileName)
    if fileName.endswith('.png') or fileName.endswith('.PNG'):
      fileName = fileName[0:fileName.index('.')]
      firstSign = re.search(r'^[a-z0-9_]*$',line1,re.M)
      if firstSign:
        # print filePath
        # (r'_[\d]*[x|X][\d]*\d') 正则表达式 (_100x100)
        sign = re.search(r'_[\d]*[x|X][\d]*\d', fileName, re.M | re.I)
        if sign:
          print fileName
          nonstandard_filename_path.write(filePath + '\n')
        print fileName
        nonstandard_filename_path.write(filePath + '\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
  print ('main')
  pathDic['curPath'] = rootPath
  for key in pathDic:
    # print key


# coding=utf-8
import os
import os.path
import re
import array
import cmd
import pdb
import pickle
import tempfile
import subprocess
import sys
import getopt
nonCheckDirList = sys.argv[1:]
rootPath = os.getcwd()
checkRepetPathList = []
if nonCheckDirList:
  rootPath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),nonCheckDirList[0]))
  if nonCheckDirList[0] == "./":
    rootPath = os.getcwd()
  for _path in nonCheckDirList:
    # -- 检查重命名路径
    _cmdRepet = _path[0:2]
    if _cmdRepet == "/r":
      repetPath = _path[len(_cmdRepet):len(_path)]
      print repetPath
print rootPath + '\n'
# 路径字典
pathDic = {}
# 重名路径字典
repetDic = {}
# 新建文件夹 os.path.isdir(rootdir+'/logout') 判断指定目录下该文件夹是否存在
# if not os.path.isdir(rootPath+'/logout'):
#   os.makedirs(rootPath + '/logout')
# logPath=os.path.join(rootPath,'logout')
logPath = os.getcwd()
nonstandard_filename_path = open(logPath+"\\"+u"不规范命名文件".encode("GBK") + ".txt",'w')
def GetAllDir(getPath):
  # print (getPath)
  paths = os.listdir(getPath)
  for dirName in paths:
    dirPath = os.path.join(getPath,dirName)
    if os.path.isdir(dirPath) and dirName != '.svn':
      # print dirPath
      relPath = dirPath[len(rootPath)+1:len(dirPath)]
      # print relPath
      if not nonCheckDirList.__contains__(relPath):
        pathDic[relPath] = dirPath
def GetAllFile(getPath):
  files = os.listdir(getPath)
  for fileName in files:
    filePath = os.path.join(getPath,fileName)
    if fileName.endswith('.png') or fileName.endswith('.PNG'):
      fileName = fileName[0:fileName.index('.')]
      firstSign = re.search(r'^[a-z0-9_]*$',fileName,re.M)
      if firstSign:
        # print filePath
        # (r'_[\d]*[x|X][\d]*\d') 正则表达式 (_100x100)
        sign = re.search(r'_[\d]*[x|X][\d]*\d', fileName, re.M | re.I)
        if sign:
          print fileName
          nonstandard_filename_path.write(filePath + '\n')
        print fileName
        nonstandard_filename_path.write(filePath + '\n')
def CheckRepetFile(getPath):
  if checkRepetPathList:
    paths = os.listdir(getPath)
    for dirName in paths:
      dirPath = os.path.join(getPath, dirName)
      if os.path.isdir(dirPath) and dirName != '.svn':
        # print dirPath
        relPath = dirPath[len(rootPath) + 1:len(dirPath)]
        # print relPath
        repetDic[relPath] = dirPath
imageList = []
repetImagePath = []
def GetCheckRepetFile(getPath):
  files = os.listdir(getPath)
  for fileName in files:
    filePath = os.path.join(getPath, fileName)
    if fileName.endswith('.png') or fileName.endswith('.PNG'):
      # print filePath
repet_filename_path = open(logPath+"\\"+u"重复命名文件".encode("GBK") + ".txt",'w')
if __name__ == '__main__':
  # print ('main')
  pathDic['curPath'] = rootPath
  for key in pathDic:
    # print key
  print '\n' + "The Logout Path:" + logPath+"\\"+u"不规范命名文件".encode("GBK") + ".txt"
  repetDic['curPath'] = rootPath
  # 检查重复文件路径列表
  for __path in checkRepetPathList:
    _repetPath = os.path.join(rootPath, __path)
  # 遍历路径获得所有图片
  for key in repetDic:
  _newImageList = []
  for image in imageList:
    repetCount = imageList.count(image)
    if repetCount > 1 :
      if not image in _newImageList:
  for repetImage in _newImageList:
    print repetImage
    repet_filename_path.write(repetImage + '\n')
    for repetPathPath in repetImagePath:
      fileNameName = os.path.basename(repetPathPath)
      if repetImage == fileNameName:
        repet_filename_path.write(repetPathPath + '\n')
        # print repetPathPath
  print '\n' + "The Logout Path:" + logPath+"\\"+u"重复命名文件".encode("GBK") + ".txt"

以上这篇对Python 检查文件名是否规范的实例详解就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持。