0 " self._size ;更新日期:2025/1/14.幽灵资源网,磁力链接,云盘下载,BT种子,CPU天梯,显卡天梯,UU加速器,阅读3.0,英雄联盟,怪物猎人,无损音乐网,无损音乐下载网站,无损音乐免费下载,320Kmp3下载,无损音乐免费下载网站,音画欣赏,无损音乐,抖音神曲,发烧大碟,车载歌曲,试音天碟,WMA,WAV+CUE,WAV整轨,FLAC分轨,DSD黑胶,HI-FI试音,SACD-ISO,4K高清,高清电影下载,Magnet,Torrent,BitTorrent,迅雷快传,SUB,SRT,ASS/SSA,SUP,RARBG,TLF字幕,BluRay,x265,x264,DTS-HD,WEBRip,10BIT,HDR,DDP5.1,WEB-DL,1080p高清电影下载,中国高清网,高清电影,720p,1080p,MKV,AVI,蓝光原盘,3D高清,电影下载">
脚本专栏 发布日期:2025/1/14 浏览次数:1
import ctypes class Array: def __init__(self, size): assert size > 0, "Array size must be > 0 " self._size = size pyArrayType = ctypes.py_object * size self._elements = pyArrayType() self.clear(None) def clear(self, value): for index in range(len(self)): self._elements[index] = value def __len__(self): return self._size def __getitem__(self, index): assert index >= 0 and index < len(self), "index must >=0 and <= size" return self._elements[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): assert index >= 0 and index < len(self), "index must >=0 and <= size" self._elements[index] = value def __iter__(self): return _ArrayIterator(self._elements) class _ArrayIterator: def __init__(self, theArray): self._arrayRef = theArray self._curNdr = 0 def __next__(self): if self._curNdr < len(theArray): entry = self._arrayRef[self._curNdr] sllf._curNdr += 1 return entry else: raise StopIteration def __iter__(self): return self
class Array2D : def __init__(self, numRows, numCols): self._theRows = Array(numCols) for i in range(numCols): self._theRows[i] = Array(numCols) def numRows(self): return len(self._theRows) def numCols(self): return len(self._theRows[0]) def clear(self, value): for row in range(self.numRows): self._theRows[row].clear(value) def __getitem__(self, ndxTuple): assert len(ndxTuple) == 2, "the tuple must 2" row = ndxTuple[0] col = ndxTuple[1] assert row>=0 and row <len(self.numRows()) \ and col>=0 and col<len(self.numCols), \ "array subscrpt out of range" theArray = self._theRows[row] return theArray[col] def __setitem__(self, ndxTuple, value): assert len(ndxTuple)==2, "the tuple must 2" row = ndxTuple[0] col = ndxTuple[1] assert row >= 0 and row < len(self.numRows) \ and col >= 0 and col < len(self.numCols), \ "row and col is invalidate" theArray = self._theRows[row]; theArray[col] = value