数据库 发布日期:2025/3/4 浏览次数:1
一、with as 公用表表达式
类似VIEW,但是不并没有创建对象,WITH AS 公用表表达式不创建对象,只能被后随的SELECT语句,其作用:
1. 实现递归查询(树形结构)
2. 可以在一个语句中多次引用公用表表达式,使其更加简洁
可以是定义列或自动列和select into 效果差不多
--指定列 with withTmp1 (code,cName) as ( select id,Name from ClassUnis ) select * from withTmp1 --自动列 with withTmp2 as ( select * from ClassUnis where Author = 'system' ) select * from withTmp2
通过UNION ALL 连接部分。通过连接自身whit as 创建的表达式,它的连接条件就是递归的条件。可以从根节点往下查找,从子节点往父节点查找。只需要颠倒一下连接条件。例如代码中条件改为t.ID = c.ParentId即可
with tree as( --0 as Level 定义树的层级,从0开始 select *,0 as Level from ClassUnis where ParentId is null union all --t.Level + 1每递归一次层级递增 select c.*,t.Level + 1 from ClassUnis c,tree t where c.ParentId = t.ID --from ClassUnis c inner join tree t on c.ParentId = t.ID ) select * from tree where Author not like'%/%'
还能通过option(maxrecursion Number) 设置最大递归次数。例如上诉结果Level 最大值为2表示递归两次。我们设置其值为1
with tree as( select *,0 as Level from ClassUnis where ParentId is null union all select c.*,t.Level + 1 from ClassUnis c,tree t where c.ParentId = t.ID ) select * from tree where Author not like'%/%' option(maxrecursion 1)