数据库 发布日期:2025/3/14 浏览次数:1
public function json_product_list($where, $order){ global $_M; $this->table = load::sys_class('tabledata', 'new'); $p = $_M['table']['product']; $s = $_M['table']['shopv2_product']; if($_M['config']['shopv2_open']){//开启在线订购时 $table = $p.' Left JOIN '.$s." ON ({$p}.id = {$s}.pid)"; $where = "{$p}.lang='{$_M['lang']}' and ({$p}.recycle = '0' or {$p}.recycle = '-1') {$where}"; }else{ $table = $p; $where = "lang='{$_M['lang']}' and (recycle = '0' or recycle = '-1') {$where}"; } $data = $this->table->getdata($table, '*', $where, $order); foreach($data as $key=>$val){ if(!$val['pid'])$data[$key]['pid'] = $val['id']; } return $data; }
$u = $_M['table']['user'];
$o = $_M['table']['shopv2_order'];
$d = $u.' Left JOIN '.$o." ON {$u}.id = {$o}.uid";
function dotable_course_user_list_json(){ global $_M; $id=$_M[form]['id'];//教师模块ID $tid=$_M[form]['tid'];//教师登录用户ID $tn=$_M[form]['tn'];//教师用户名 $term1 = $_M[form]['search_title']; //获取搜索关键词 $search1 = $term1 "and username like '%{$term1}%' ":'';//增加查询报名表编号 $table = load::sys_class('tabledata', 'new'); //$where = "lang='cn' {$search} {$search1}"; //在条件语句中加入查询条件 $search $u = $_M['table']['user']; $o = $_M['table']['shopv2_order']; $d = $u.' Left JOIN '.$o." ON {$u}.id = {$o}.uid"; //$table = $u.' Left JOIN '.$a." ON (find_in_set(u.id,a.user_id) != 0)"; $where = "{$u}.lang='{$_M['lang']}'"; $order = "{$u}.id DESC"; $array = $table->getdata($d, '*', $where, $order); //$data = $this->table->getdata($table, '*', $where, $order) //$time=date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()); foreach($array as $key => $val){ //会员组 $rs_user_group=DB::get_one("SELECT id,name FROM ".$_M['table']['user_group']." where id='$val[groupid]' "); //状态 //班型 //$rs1=DB::get_all("SELECT s.class_id,a.user_id,a.id,a.number,cc.classhour FROM ".$_M['table']['my_application']." as a INNER JOIN ".$_M['table']['my_application_subject']." as s ON a.number=s.number INNER JOIN ".$_M['table']['my_class']." as c ON s.class_id=c.id INNER JOIN ".$_M['table']['my_class_course']." as cc ON cc.class_id=c.id where s.class_id<>0 and s.type_11=0 and c.teachers_id='$val[id]' and cc.endtime>'$time'"); $list = array(); $list[] = "{$val['username']}"; $list[] = "{$rs_user_group['name']}"; $list[] = ""; $list[] = ""; $list[] = ""; $list[] = ""; $list[] = ""; $list[] = ""; $list[] = ""; $list[] = "<a class='btn btn-danger view_error' lay-id='{$val['id']}' href='javascript:;'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-edit'></i> 错题集</a>"; $list[] = ""; $list[] = ""; $rarray[] = $list; } // dump($rarray); $table->rdata($rarray);//返回数据 }
例子二:join find_in_set
$u = $_M['table']['user'];
$a = $_M['table']['my_application'];
$d = $u.' Left JOIN '.$a." ON find_in_set({$u}.id,{$a}.user_id) != 0";
function dotable_course_user_list_json(){ global $_M; $id=$_M[form]['id'];//教师模块ID $tid=$_M[form]['tid'];//教师登录用户ID $tn=$_M[form]['tn'];//教师用户名 $term1 = $_M[form]['search_title']; //获取搜索关键词 $search1 = $term1 "and username like '%{$term1}%' ":'';//增加查询报名表编号 $table = load::sys_class('tabledata', 'new'); //$where = "lang='cn' {$search} {$search1}"; //在条件语句中加入查询条件 $search $u = $_M['table']['user']; //$o = $_M['table']['shopv2_order']; $a = $_M['table']['my_application']; //$d = $u.' Left JOIN '.$o." ON {$u}.id = {$o}.uid"; $d = $u.' Left JOIN '.$a." ON find_in_set({$u}.id,{$a}.user_id) != 0"; $where = "{$u}.lang='{$_M['lang']}'"; $order = "{$u}.id DESC"; $array = $table->getdata($d, '*', $where, $order); //$data = $this->table->getdata($table, '*', $where, $order) //$time=date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()); foreach($array as $key => $val){ //会员组 $rs_user_group=DB::get_one("SELECT id,name FROM ".$_M['table']['user_group']." where id='$val[groupid]' "); //状态 //班型 //$rs1=DB::get_all("SELECT s.class_id,a.user_id,a.id,a.number,cc.classhour FROM ".$_M['table']['my_application']." as a INNER JOIN ".$_M['table']['my_application_subject']." as s ON a.number=s.number INNER JOIN ".$_M['table']['my_class']." as c ON s.class_id=c.id INNER JOIN ".$_M['table']['my_class_course']." as cc ON cc.class_id=c.id where s.class_id<>0 and s.type_11=0 and c.teachers_id='$val[id]' and cc.endtime>'$time'"); $list = array(); $list[] = "{$val['username']}"; $list[] = "{$rs_user_group['name']}"; $list[] = ""; $list[] = ""; $list[] = ""; $list[] = ""; $list[] = ""; $list[] = ""; $list[] = ""; $list[] = "<a class='btn btn-danger view_error' lay-id='{$val['id']}' href='javascript:;'><i class='glyphicon glyphicon-edit'></i> 错题集</a>"; $list[] = ""; $list[] = ""; $rarray[] = $list; } // dump($rarray); $table->rdata($rarray);//返回数据 }
$data = $this->table->getdata($table, '*', $where, $order)
$array = $table->getdata($d, "{$u}.username,{$u}.groupid", $where, $order);
$where = "{$u}.lang='{$_M['lang']}' and {$u}.username like '%{$term1}%' ";