数据库 发布日期:2025/3/11 浏览次数:1
typedef struct st_dynamic_string { char *str; size_t length, max_length, alloc_increment; } DYNAMIC_STRING;
my_bool init_dynamic_string( DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *init_str, size_t init_alloc, size_t alloc_increment ) { size_t length; DBUG_ENTER( "init_dynamic_string" ); if ( !alloc_increment ) alloc_increment = 128; length = 1; if ( init_str && (length = strlen( init_str ) + 1) < init_alloc ) init_alloc = ( (length + alloc_increment - 1) / alloc_increment) * alloc_increment; if ( !init_alloc ) init_alloc = alloc_increment; if ( !(str->str = (char *) my_malloc( init_alloc, MYF( MY_WME ) ) ) ) DBUG_RETURN( TRUE ); str->length = length - 1; if ( init_str ) memcpy( str->str, init_str, length ); str->max_length = init_alloc; str->alloc_increment = alloc_increment; DBUG_RETURN( FALSE ); }
my_bool dynstr_append_mem( DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *append, size_t length ) { char *new_ptr; if ( str->length + length >= str->max_length ) /* 如果新增字符串后,总长度超过缓冲区大小 */ { /* 需要分配多少个alloc_increment 大小的内存,才能存下新增后的字符串 */ size_t new_length = (str->length + length + str->alloc_increment) / str->alloc_increment; new_length *= str->alloc_increment; if ( !(new_ptr = (char *) my_realloc( str->str, new_length, MYF( MY_WME ) ) ) ) return(TRUE); str->str = new_ptr; str->max_length = new_length; } /* 将新分配的内容,append到str之后 */ memcpy( str->str + str->length, append, length ); str->length += length; /* 扩容之后str新的长度 */ str->str[str->length] = 0; /* Safety for C programs */ /* 字符串最后一个字符为'\0' */ return(FALSE); }
my_bool dynstr_trunc( DYNAMIC_STRING *str, size_t n ) { str->length -= n; str->str[str->length] = '\0'; return(FALSE); }
char *strcend( register const char *s, register pchar c ) { for (;; ) { if ( *s == (char) c ) return( (char *) s); if ( !*s++ ) return( (char *) s - 1); } }
my_bool dynstr_realloc( DYNAMIC_STRING *str, size_t additional_size ) { DBUG_ENTER( "dynstr_realloc" ); if ( !additional_size ) DBUG_RETURN( FALSE ); if ( str->length + additional_size > str->max_length ) /* 如果新的字符串内容超过缓冲区的最大长度 */ { str->max_length = ( (str->length + additional_size + str->alloc_increment - 1) / str->alloc_increment) * str->alloc_increment; if ( !(str->str = (char *) my_realloc( str->str, str->max_length, MYF( MY_WME ) ) ) ) DBUG_RETURN( TRUE ); } DBUG_RETURN( FALSE ); }
比如:ls -al 会变成 ‘ls -al'
比如:ls -a'l会变成'ls -a\'l'
/* * Concatenates any number of strings, escapes any OS quote in the result then * surround the whole affair in another set of quotes which is finally appended * to specified DYNAMIC_STRING. This function is especially useful when * building strings to be executed with the system() function. * * @param str Dynamic String which will have addtional strings appended. * @param append String to be appended. * @param ... Optional. Additional string(s) to be appended. * * @ note The final argument in the list must be NullS even if no additional * options are passed. * * @return True = Success. */ my_bool dynstr_append_os_quoted( DYNAMIC_STRING *str, const char *append, ... ) { const char *quote_str = "\'"; const uint quote_len = 1; my_bool ret = TRUE; va_list dirty_text; ret &= dynstr_append_mem( str, quote_str, quote_len ); /* Leading quote */ va_start( dirty_text, append ); while ( append != NullS ) { const char *cur_pos = append; const char *next_pos = cur_pos; /* Search for quote in each string and replace with escaped quote */ while ( *(next_pos = strcend( cur_pos, quote_str[0] ) ) != '\0' ) { ret &= dynstr_append_mem( str, cur_pos, (uint) (next_pos - cur_pos) ); ret &= dynstr_append_mem( str, "\\", 1 ); ret &= dynstr_append_mem( str, quote_str, quote_len ); cur_pos = next_pos + 1; } ret &= dynstr_append_mem( str, cur_pos, (uint) (next_pos - cur_pos) ); append = va_arg( dirty_text, char * ); } va_end( dirty_text ); ret &= dynstr_append_mem( str, quote_str, quote_len ); /* Trailing quote */ return(ret); }