数据库 发布日期:2025/3/4 浏览次数:1
select isnull(vv.customer_id,v.customer_id) as customer_id, isnull(vv.business_date,replace(v.business_date,'-','')) as business_date, v.prod_id, v.sales, vv.visit_count, v.all_sales from ( SELECT a.customer_id , max(month)+'-01' as business_date, a.PROD_ID , SUM(CAST(VALUE AS NUMERIC(38, 3))) sales, sum(SUM(CAST(VALUE AS NUMERIC(38, 3)))) over(partition by a.customer_id) as all_sales FROM TB_IMPORT_SALES a WHERE a.customer_id IS NOT NULL AND a.PROD_ID IS NOT NULL and a.month='2016-11' GROUP BY a.customer_id , a.PROD_ID )v full join ( SELECT customer_id, max(a.business_date) as business_date, COUNT(*) AS VISIT_COUNT FROM TB_CALL_STORE a WITH(NOLOCK) inner join TB_TIME d on a.business_date = d.t_date where d.section ='2016-11' GROUP BY customer_id )vv on v.customer_id = vv.customer_id
原来是left join,虽然查询比较慢,但是2分钟能查出来,现在按照业务要求,需要看到所有数据,所以改成了full join,改了之后5分钟都查不出结果。
select v.customer_id, replace(max(v.business_date),'-','') as business_date, v.prod_id, max(v.sales_volume) sales_volume , max(v.visit_count) visit_count, max(v.all_sales_volume) all_sales_volume from ( SELECT a.customer_id , max(biz_month)+'-01' as business_date, a.PROD_ID , SUM(CAST(VALUE1 AS NUMERIC(38, 8))) sales_volume, sum(SUM(CAST(VALUE1 AS NUMERIC(38, 8)))) over(partition by a.customer_id) as all_sales_volume, null as visit_count FROM TB_IMPORT_SALES a WHERE a.customer_id IS NOT NULL AND a.PROD_ID IS NOT NULL and a.month='2016-11' GROUP BY a.customer_id , a.PROD_ID union all SELECT customer_id, max(a.business_date) as business_date, p.prod_id, null, null, COUNT(*) AS VISIT_COUNT FROM TB_CALL_STORE a WITH(NOLOCK) cross apply ( select top 1 prod_id from TB_PRODUCT with(nolock) )p inner join TB_TIME d on a.business_date = d.t_date where d.section ='2016-11' GROUP BY customer_id,p.prod_id )v group by v.customer_id, v.prod_id
想了想,full join 本质上就是 2次left join+union ,无非就是合并数据,于是尝试一下用union all来直接合并数据,现在改成unoin all最后,就不需要full join。
但是考虑到第2段代码中并没有prod_id这个字段,所以这里在第2段代码加上了cross apply随便取出一个产品的id,这样就有prod_id这个字段,可以合并了。