操作系统 发布日期:2025/3/4 浏览次数:1
在Mac中就只有睡眠一种待机模式了。默认情况下Mac的睡眠相当于windows的待机模式。虽然Mac mini的待机功耗非常低,不过长期待机浪费的电加起来也不少,对产品寿命也会有些影响。实际上Mac已经提供了对休眠功能的支持,稍微做些设置即可将睡眠的默认行为由“待机”改为“休眠”。
0.(quick): Default sleep behavior on most Apple computers. RAM is still powered on while
sleeping. Wake up is fast. Safe sleep is disabled.
1.(deep): Hibernation behavior. System is totally shut down while sleeping. RAM contents
are dumped to disk. Wake up is slow.
3.(safe): Default behavior on Powerbook HD and later computers. RAM is still powered
on while sleeping. Wake up is fast. Safe sleep is enabled, so RAM contents are
also dumped to disk before going to sleep.
5.(deep): Same as mode 1 for systems with encrypted virtual memory.
7.(safe): Same as mode 3 for systems with encrypted virtual memory
注: 我使用5的时候无法正常唤醒,因此不建议使用5&7
查看当前的睡眠模式: pmset -g | grep hibernatemode
修改睡眠模式: sudo pmset -a hibernatemode X