电脑基础 发布日期:2025/3/11 浏览次数:1
此次的游戏将系列推向一个新的高峰,将会让玩家体验到前所未有的乐趣,新增卡牌定制创造功能,更加优质的下载内容及补充包,功能更加强大的控制台,让玩家和对手们展开更加激烈的对决,最终,有着强大的Garruk Wildspeaker在等待着玩家。
The Special Edition includes Steam-exclusive content consisting of a soundtrack, desktop wallpapers, and an eBook "“Theros; Godsend, Part 1” in PDF format.
1、Innistrad Card Collection
2、Theros Card Collection
3、Ravnica Card Collection
4、Shandalar Card Collection
5、Zendikar Card Collection
系统:Windows 7/Vista/XP
CPU :2GHz CPU (Pentium 4 or equivalent)
内存:1GB RAM (2GB for Vista and Windows 7)
显卡:512MB DirectX 9.0c compatible video card with Pixelshader 3.0 support
DX :DirectX 9.0c or later
硬盘:1.5 GB HDD
声卡:DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
备注:Local Co-op requires a controller