无损音乐 发布日期:2025/3/12 浏览次数:1
CD01 Antonio Carlos Jobim - TheComposer of “Desafinado”,Plays
CD02 The Ben Webster Quintet-Soulville
CD03 Bill Evans - ConversationswithMyself
CD04 Bill Evans - At theMontreux JazzFestival
CD05 Bud Powell - The Genius ofBudPowell
CD06 Charlie Haden and PatMetheny - Beyond the MissouriSky
CD07 Charlie Haden Quartet West- In AngelCity
CD08 Charlie Parker - WithStrings: The MasterTakes
CD09 Charlie Parker and DizzyGillespie- Bird andDiz
CD10 Count Basie and HisOrchestra - April inParis
CD11 Duke Ellington and JohnnyHodges - Side bySide
CD12 Ella Fitzgerald - TheComplete Ella in Berlin: MacktheKnife
CD13 Gene Ammons & SonnyStitt - Boss Tenors inOrbit!!!
CD14 Gene Krupa-Buddy Rich -Buddy andRich
CD15 Gerry Mulligan - NightLights
CD16 Herb Ellis - Nothing Butthe Blues
CD17 Herbie Hancock - The NewStandard
CD18 Jimmy Smith & WesMontgomery - Jimmy & Wes TheDynamicDuo
CD19 Joe Henderson - Lush Life:The Music of BillyStrayhorn
CD20 John McLaughlin - ThePromise
CD21 John Scofield - A GoGo
CD22 Johnny Hodges - With BillyStrayhorn and theOrchestra
CD23 The Lester Young-TeddyWilson Quartet - Pres andTeddy
CD24 Lester Young: with theOscar PetersonTrio
CD25 The Lionel HamptonQuintet
CD26 Mel Torme: The Marty PaichOrchestra - Swings SchubertAlley
CD27 Michael Brecker - Nearnessof You: The BalladBook
CD28 The Oscar Peterson Trio -We GetRequests
CD29 Stan Getz and Charlie Byrd- JazzSamba
CD30 Wes Montgomery - WillowWeep forMe
Disc. 1 (AntonioCarlos Jobim :The Composer of “Desafinado”, Plays)
01. The Girl fromIpanema2:41
02. Amor em Paz(Once I Loved)3:35
03. Agua deBeber2:50
04. VivoSonhando2:35
05. O Morro Nao TemVez (aka“fevela”) 3:21
06. Insensatez (HowInsensitive)2:52
07. Corcovado2:26
08. Samba de UmaNota So (OneNote Samba) 2:14
09. Meditation3:14
10. So Danco Samba(Jazz Samba)2:21
11. Chega deSaudade4:17
12. Desafinado2:44
Disc. 2 (The BenWebster Quintet: Soulville)
01. Soulville8:03
02. Late Date7:13
03. Time on MyHands4:16
04. Lover Come Backto Me8:26
05. Where AreYou4:41
06. Makin’Whoopee4:29
07. Ill Wind3:30
08. Who 2;56
10. Roses ofPicardy2:05
Disc. 3 (Bill Evans:Conversations with Myself)
01. ‘RoundMidnight6:33
02. How AboutYou?2:48
03. Spartacus LoveTheme5:08
04. Blue Monk4:32
05. Stella byStarlight4:50
06. Hey, There4:29
07. N. Y. C.’s NoLark5:34
08. Just You, JustMe2:35
09. BemshaSwing2:54
10. A Sleepin’Bee4:10
Disc. 4 (Bill Evans: At theMontreux Jazz Festival)
01. SpokenIntroduction0:57
02. One forHelen4:24
03. A Sleepin’Bee6:05
04. Mother ofEarl5:15
05. Nardis 8:22
06. Quiet Now6:11
07. I Loves You,Porgy6:00
08. The Touch ofYour Lips4:45
09. EmbraceableYou6:45
10. Someday MyPrince Will Come6:08
11. Walkin’ Up3:35
Disc. 5 (Bud Powell: The Geniusof Bud Powell)
01. Tea for Two(Take 5)3:28
02. Tea for Two(Take 6)4:13
03. Tea for Two(Take 10)3:47
04. Hallelujah2:59
05. ParisianThoroughfare2:28
06. Oblivion2:28
07. Dusk inSandi2:13
09. The Fruit3:17
10. A NightingaleSang in theBerkeley Square 3:41
11. Just One ofThose Things3:50
12. The Last Time ISaw Paris3:16
Disc. 6 (CharlieHaden and PatMetheny : Beyond the Missouri Sky)
01. Waltz forRuth4:28
02. Our SpanishLove Song5:40
03. Message to aFriend6:13
04. Two for theRoad5:16
05. First Song (forRuth)6:37
06. The Moon Is aHarsh Mistress4:05
07. The PreciousJewel3:47
08. He’s GoneAway4:18
09. The Moonsong6:56
10. Tears ofRain5:30
11. Cinema Paradiso(Love Theme)3:35
12. Cinema Paradiso(Main Thene)4:24
13. Spiritual8:22
Disc. 7 (CharlieHaden QuartetWest : In Angel City)
01. Sunday at theHillcrest6:21
02. First song (ForRuth)6:57
03. The Redwind4:55
04. Blue InGreen7:16
05. Alpha 6:27
06. Live yourdreams6:32
07. Child’sPlay3:06
08. Fortune’sFame8:09
09. Tarantella3:15
10. Lonelywoman13:41
Disc. 8 (CharlieParker : WithStrings: The Master Takes)
01. JustFriends3:30
02. EverythingHappens to Me3:15
03. April inParis3:06
04. Summertime2:46
05. I Didn’t KnowWhat Time ItWas 3:12
06. If I ShouldLose You2:46
07. Dancing in theDark3:10
08. Out ofNowhere3:06
09. Laura 2:57
10. East of the Sun(And west ofthe Moon) 3:37
11. They Can’t TakeThat Awayfrom Me 3:17
12. Easy toLove3:29
13. I’m in the Moodfor Love3:33
14. I’ll RememberApril3:02
15. What Is ThisThing CalledLove? 2:55
16. April inParis3:13
17. Repetition2:48
18. Easy toLove2:25
19. Rocker 3:00
20. Temptation3:31
21. Lover 3:06
22. Autumn in NewYork3:29
23. Stella byStarlight2:56
24. Repetition2:57
Disc. 9 (CharlieParker andDizzy Gillespie : Bird and Diz)
01. Bloomdido3:25
02. My MelancholyBaby3:24
03. Relaxin’ withLee2:47
04. Leap Frog2:29
05. An Oscar forTreadwell3:23
06. Mohawk 3:35
07. My MelancholyBaby*3:17
08. Relaxin’ withLee*3:56
09. Leap Frog*2:34
10. Leap Frog*2:02
11. Leap Frog*2:06
12. An Oscar forTreadwell*3:21
13. Mohawk*3:48
14. Relaxin’ withLee**0:17
15. Relaxin’ withLee**1:08
16. Relaxin’ withLee***0:04
17. Relaxin’ withLee**0:24
18. LeapFrog**0:26
19. LeapFrog**0:14
20. LeapFrog**0:40
21. LeapFrog**0:18
22. LeapFrog**0:20
23. LeapFrog**0:13
24. LeapFrog**0:41
Disc. 10 (CountBasie and HisOrchestra : April in Paris)
01. April inParis3:47
02. CornerPocket5:15
03. Didn’tYou?4:43
04. SweetieCakes3:58
05. Magic 3:06
06. ShinyStockings5:14
07. What Am I HereFor?3:19
08. Midgets3:13
09. Mambo Inn3:23
10. Dinner withFriends3:52
11. April inParis3:38
12. CornerPocket4:59
13. Didn’tYou?4:50
14. Magic 3:42
15. Magic 3:50
16. What Am I HereFor?4:06
17. Midgets3:11
Disc. 11 (DukeEllington andJohnny Hodges : Side by Side)
01. StompyJones6:37
02. Squeeze Me4:35
03. Big shoe5:33
04. Going Up4:50
05. Just amemory5:51
06. Let’s Fall inLove6:46
07. Ruint 2:31
08. Bend One2:57
09. You Need torock5:51
Disc. 12 (EllaFitzgerald : TheComplete Ella in Berlin: Mack the Knife)
01. Setting up thestage: tuningup; granz and Fitzgerald talking 0:20
02. That Old BlackMagic3:51
03. Our Love IsHere to Stay3:19
04. Gone with theWind2:25
05. Misty 2:38
06. Applause andfanfareinterlude 0:19
07. The Lady Is aTramp2:40
08. Fanfare andannouncement0:28
09. The Man ILove3:42
10. Love forSale2:57
11. Just One ofThose Things3:53
12. Summertime3:02
13. Too DarnHot3:17
14. Applause andfanfareinterlude 0:24
15. Lorelei3:27
16. Mack theKnife4:39
17. Fanfare andannouncement0:23
18. How High theMoon?6:58
19. Applause andclosing fanfare1:06
Disc. 13 (GeneAmmons &Sonny Stitt : Boss Tenors in Orbit!!!)
01. Long Ago andFar Away6:17
02. Walkin’5:21
03. Way Was IBorn?8:20
04. John Brown’sBody7:22
05. Bye-Bye,Blackbird9:58
Disc. 14 (GeneKrupa-Buddy Rich: Buddy and Rich)
01. Buddy’sBlues10:27
02. Bernie’sTune13:54
03. Gene’sBlues7:44
04. Sweethearts onParade8:47
05. I NeverKnew8:51
06. Sunday11:06
07. TheMonster10:48
Disc. 15 (GerryMulligan : NightLights)
01. Night Lights(1963 version)4:53
02. Morning of theCarnival from“Black Orpheus” 5:27
03. In the WeeSmall Hours ofthe Morning 5:34
04. Prelude in Eminor4:11
05. Festivalminor6:45
06. Tell MeWhen4:06
07. Night Lights*(1965 version)2:53
Disc. 16 (HerbEllis : NothingBut the Blues)
01. Pap’sBlues7:06
02. Big red’sBoogie Woogie5:39
03. Tin RoofBlues3:00
04. Sift Winds6:02
05. Royal GardenBlues4:46
06. Patti Cake6:02
07. Blues forJanet7:13
08. Blues forJunior4:51
09. LesTricheurs*3:12
10. Clo’sBlues*3:20
11. Phil’sTune*4:20
12. Mic’sJump*2:16
Disc. 17 (HerbieHancock : TheNew Standard)
01. New Yorkminute8:33
02. Mercystreet8:36
03. Norwegian wood(This birdhas flown) 8:04
04. When can I seeyou6:15
05. You’ve got itbad girl7:13
06. Love isstranger than pride7:57
07. Scarboroughfair8:21
08. Thieves in thetemple7:30
09. Allapologies5:04
10. Manhattan(Island of lightsand love) 4:05
11. Your gold teeth5:14
Disc. 18 (JimmySmith & WesMontgomery : Jimmy & Wes TheDynamicDuo)
01. Down by theRiverside10:03
02. Happy-Go-LuckyLocal (aka“Night Train”) 6:46
03. James andWes8:14
04. 13 (DeathMarch)5:23
05. Baby, It’s ColdOutside5:59
06. O. G. D. (aka“Road Song”) –alternative take 5:21
Disc. 19 (JoeHenderson - LushLife: The Music of Billy Strayhorn)
01. Isfahan5:59
02. Johnny ComeLately6:30
03. BloodCount7:20
04. Rain Check5:50
05. LotusBlossom4:31
06. A Flower Is ALovesome Thing6:58
07. Take The “A”Train7:12
08. Drawing RoomBlues7:33
09. U.M.M.G. (UpperManhattanMedical Group) 5:00
10. Lush Life4:57
Disc. 20 (JohnMcLaughlin : ThePromise)
01. Django 7:24
02. TheloniusMelodius5:22
With a verse ofDante read byStephania Bimbi
03. Any andJoseph2:28
04. No Return7:20
05. El Ciego9:10
06. JazzJungle14:45
With the voice ofNishaiKhan
07. The Wish8:39
08. EnglishJam1:12
09. TokyoDecadence00:39
Zen haiku with thevoice ofMariko Takahashi
10. Shin JinRui10:47
11. ThePeacocks5:53
With a verse ofGarcia Lorcaread by Susana Béatrix
Disc. 21 (JohnScofield : A GoGo)
01. A Go Go6:36
02. Chank 6:47
03. Boozer 5:27
04. SouthernPacific5:14
05. Jeep on 354:31
06. Kubrick2:14
07. Green Tea5:12
08. Hottentot6:46
09. ChickenDog6:22
10. Deadzy 2:41
Disc. 22 (JohnnyHodges : WithBilly Strayhorn and the Orchestra)
01. Don’t getaround muchanymore (orig. Never No Lament) 3:00
02. I got it bad(and that ain’tgood) 3:35
03. Gal fromJoe’s2:27
04. You’re love hasfaded3:00
05. I’m just luckyso-and-so3:20
06. Jeep’sblues3:18
07. Day dream3:56
08. Azure 2:33
09. Tailormade3:35
10. Stardust4:25
Disc. 23 (TheLester Young–TeddyWilson Quartet : Pres and Teddy)
01. All of Me5:07
02. Prisoner ofLove7:36
03. Louise 5:14
04. Love Me orLeave Me6:47
05. Taking a Chanceon Love5:07
06. Our Love IsHere to Stay6:26
07. PresReturns6:17
Disc. 24 (LesterYoung : withthe Oscar Peterson Trio)
01. Ad Libblues5:50
02. I Can’t GetStarted3:39
03. Just You, JustMe7:37
04. Almost LikeBeing in Love3:31
05. Tea ForTwo7:42
06. There WillNever Be AnotherYou 3:25
07. (Back HomeAgain in) Indiana7:01
08. On the SunnySide of theStreet 3:24
09. Star Dust3:32
10. I’mConfessin’3:39
11. I Can’t GiveYou Anythingbut Love 3:19
12. These FoolishThings3:24
13. (It Takes) Twoto Tango6:04
14. I Can’t GetStarted – falsestart 0:52
Disc. 25 (TheLionel HamptonQuintet)
01. FlyingHome17:08
02. Je Ne SaisPas6:30
03. On the SunnySide of theStreet 5:50
04. April inParis6:22
05. Don’t Be ThatWay9:25
06. These FoolishThings8:33
07. The Way YouLook Tonight11:11
08. It’s Only aPaper Moon6:48
Disc. 26 (MelTormé- The MartyPaich Orchestra : Swings Schubert Alley)
01. Too close forcomfort3:59
02. Once in lovewith Amy3:08
03. A sleepin’bee2:39
04. On the streetwhere you live2:51
05. All I need is agirl3:03
06. Just intime3:23
07. Hello younglovers3:06
08. The surrey withfringe ontop 2:57
09. Old devilmoon2:46
10. Whatever Lolawants3:18
11. Too darnhot2:44
12. Lonelytown3:39
Disc. 27 (MichaelBrecker :Nearness of You: The Ballad Book)
01. Chan’sSong5:15
02. Don’t Let Me BeLonelyTonight 4:43
03. Nascente6:18
04. MidnightMood6:22
05. The Nearness ofYou4:32
07. Sometimes ISee5:26
08. My Ship7:10
09. Always 5:37
10. Seven Days5:32
Disc. 28 (The OscarPetersonTrio : We Get Requests)
01. Corcovado(Quiet Nights ofQuiet Stars) 2:49
02. The Days ofWine and Roses2:40
03. My One and OnlyLove5:08
04. People 3:30
05. Have You MetMiss Jones?4:10
06. You Look Goodto Me4:49
07. The Girl FromIpanema3:51
08. D&E5:11
09. Time andAgain4:38
10. Goodbye,J.D.2:56
Disc. 29 (Stan Getzand CharlieByrd : Jazz Samba)
01. Desafinado5:49
02. Samba DeesDays3:32
03. O Pato 2:30
04. SambaTriste4:45
05. Samba de UmaNota So6:10
06. E Luxo So3:41
07. Bahia (aka“Baia”)6:40
08. Desafinado (45rpm issue)2:00
Disc. 30 (WesMontgomery :Willow Weep For Me)
01. Willow Weep forMe7:42
03. Portrait ofJennie2:45
04. Surrey with theFringe onTop 5:20
05. Oh! You CrazyMoon5:27
06. Four onsix9:29
07. Misty 6:45
CD02-Ben Webster Quintet -Soulville[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495302902-ac0629 (访问密码:559675)
CD03-Bill Evans - Conversations WithMyself[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495305825-699788 (访问密码:559675)
CD04-Bill Evans - At The Montreux JazzFestival[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495306157-fdd522 (访问密码:559675)
CD05-Bud Powell - The Genius of BudPowell[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495306387-096592 (访问密码:559675)
CD06-Charlie Haden, Pat Metheny - Beyond theMissouri sky[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495306708-3aac0d (访问密码:559675)
CD07-Charlie Haden Quartet West - In AngelCity[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495307300-acc2b8 (访问密码:559675)
CD08-Charlie Parker - Charlie Parker withStrings - The MasterTakes[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495307805-f63913 (访问密码:559675)
CD09-Charlie Parker; Dizzy Gillespie - Birdand Diz[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495308119-bae7cc (访问密码:559675)
CD10-Count Basie and His Orchestra - April inParis[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495309451-7fe5a6 (访问密码:559675)
CD11-Duke Ellington & Johnny Hodges - SideBy Side[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495309838-8e1ba2 (访问密码:559675)
CD12-Ella Fitzgerald - The Complete Ella inBerlin
CD13-Gene Ammons & Sonny Stitt - BossTenors In Orbit![WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495310622-61ba52 (访问密码:559675)
CD14-Gene Krupa and Buddy Rich - Krupa andRich[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495311719-8f3f95 (访问密码:559675)
CD15-Gerry Mulligan - NightLights[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495311859-50a525 (访问密码:559675)
CD16-Herb Ellis - Nothing But TheBlues[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495311984-13d5cd (访问密码:559675)
CD17-Herbie Hancock - The NewStandard[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495312070-85e3ab (访问密码:559675)
CD18-Jimmy Smith & Wes Montgomery - Jimmy& Wes
CD19-Joe Henderson - LushLife
CD20-John McLaughlin - ThePromise[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495312388-2dc3c6 (访问密码:559675)
CD21-John Scofield - A GoGo[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495313060-01ee05 (访问密码:559675)
CD22-Johnny Hodges - Johnny Hodges with BillyStrayhorn and TheOrchestra[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495314191-6d87f8 (访问密码:559675)
CD23-Lester Young - Teddy Wilson Quartet -Pres and Teddy[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495314404-f6c9b4 (访问密码:559675)
CD24-Lester Young - With the Oscar PetersonTrio[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495314787-f3294f (访问密码:559675)
CD25-Lionel Hampton Quintet - The LionelHampton Quintet[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495316520-9dfa9e (访问密码:559675)
CD26-Mel Torm- Mel Torm Swings ShubertAlley[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495317197-23beb3 (访问密码:559675)
CD27-Michael Brecker - Nearness Of You - TheBallad Book[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495317593-c2f435 (访问密码:559675)
CD28-The Oscar Peterson Trio - We GetRequests[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495317970-2effa7 (访问密码:559675)
CD29-Stan Getz, Charlie Byrd - JazzSamba[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495318509-b67860 (访问密码:559675)
CD30-Wes Montgomery - Willow Weep ForMe[WAV整轨].rar: https://n802.com/f/9388027-495318772-e8801c (访问密码:559675)